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Bulgarian Black Sea Alliance

We are Bulgarian Black Sea Alliance 

The idea - by uniting all participants in the tourism industry, to take action and develop the brand and image of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast in line with the main focus of the Alliance: "Proactive, convincing and effective promotion of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast as a leading tourist destination."

The main goal of the Bulgarian Black Sea Alliance is to unite the efforts of the main stakeholders in the travel and tourism sector, including business, municipalities and the Ministry of Tourism, to start immediate work on developing and establishing a strong tourist brand and efficient marketing of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, to implement a marketing strategy and campaign on the main source tourist markets – Russia, Germany, Great Britain, Poland, Czech Republic, Israel, etc. The Alliance also aims to improve the inadequate communication and lack of strong collaboration among stakeholders in the industry.


With our strong team spirit, quality approach and unique style, we create a legacy for the Black Sea as most innovative and sustainable tourist destination.


Each of us and foremost together, we are the driving motor for a prosperous and sustainable development of the Bulgarian Black Sea Region.



  • Responsibility 
  • Commitment 
  • Excellence


Our goals:

  • Impressive tourist brand
  • Strong marketing strategy
  • Advertising on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast
  • Continuous efforts to establish the brand 


How will we do it:

The first condition for the success of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast brand is to have a voluntary fellowship with open doors, followed by a clearly defined product. Tourism on the Black Sea coast is much more than a beach, sea and hotel, and we have much more to offer in one place - sea, mountain, spa, wine, rural, cultural, health, etc. tourism during all seasons of the year. Once we have this focus, the second condition is to find mechanisms to "accelerate" the brand by actively developing the overall experience of the tourist long before the start of his journey to the country. We become responsible to promote what is here at the Black sea so that people can become astonished and discover everything there is to discover in this rich and versatile destination.

“This is a most obviously needed project for this exceptional area spanning 350km of coastline,” said in his statement the heart and soul of the project Dr. Frank Quante, Chief Executive Officer of Fraport Bulgaria.

“The function and the goal of the BBSA are not to in anyway overshadow or override the activities of other NGOs operating in the tourism sector, but to really create a strong brand and image of the Black Sea Coast and establish it as a lucrative prime location – a front-runner among European tourist destinations. Together, our aim is to establish the Black Sea Coast as a recognizable brand that is easily identifiable in our top 10 inbound tourism markets and beyond. We really dream of this – to increase the marketing and advertising activity that promotes the development of the Black Sea!“ 

It is now the duty of the Bulgarian Black Sea Alliance to create a unified spirit, bring it together and move forward in a committed way.  The next step of the Alliance is to invite municipalities and enlarge its membership with other partners and ambassadors who share its common vision. The Alliance has three main topics on its agenda: To set the marketing activities into a pipeline; To achieve results soon and to establish a rescue plan that focuses on sustainability, being green, digitalization and innovation.